Thursday, October 26, 2006


CRAZY P: Graphic designer extraordinaire. Part-time guerilla farmer. Extremely paranoid about leaving his pix online. Guess I'm helping him get over it - one step at a time. That explains why I've not uploaded his photos in their original state. I think he's gonna kill me for posting even these unrecognisable pix of his!!

LOVELY J: Childhood friend [chaddi buddy] and the coolest person I've ever met. Intelligent, beautiful, and caring, she's a whole lotta fun to be with.

Met her in grade school. Since then, life with her has been a roller-coaster ride. Don't let her angelic looks fool you, she's terror-on-two-legs! You think big boys don't cry? Wait till you meet her!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


If you have time to spare, if you think you dare,
come here - my fears want to say hello to you.

Buried here in this junkyard
of new friends and old foes,
mongrels fight over my dry bones.
Ghosts wave from underneath the pebbles
as my eyeballs float with Goldie,
the goldfish – now dead and belly-up,
in my father’s new aquarium.
Pockmarked dolls in rabbit skin
visit me at night, their limbs torn
by my best friend’s yellow fangs.
My head is a fountain that won’t run dry,
there’s blood on my face
and a smear of childhood ashes
that just won’t wash away.

Marching boots leave the dust hanging
mid-air in the jagged landscape of my mind,
this army of me I can’t contain;
Did you really think love was the cure
to silence these voices in my head?

My army, they march on, unstoppable,
trampling my head, crushing your heart;
under my skin they crawl, I’m their Valkyrie.
With a string of words I defeat love
and, with you, the voices die in my head.

SUFFRAGE [Suffer the Rage]
Those on the pedestal wield the scepter
to trample over infirm and bent backs
Anointed to do our thinking, our bidding
Injected with strength to muffle dissident voices
Powered by majority to gang rape our dreams
Quick and silent falls the popular axe
of the people, by the people, for the people,
silencing the rage of the suffering masses.

Mind smeared black by bloated devil pens,
parasites grow fatter on our expense.
Our land made hollow by termites;
tongues glued to the roof, taxi cabs are our hearses.

Locked outside a members-only Shangrila,
backs bent in spastic submission,
faint voices obliterated;
living from cheque to cheque, dignity headed for the grave.

Son of Thekong Tek, born to be ruled upon,
a Palestinian in his own Israel.
Crushed under empty declarations
and bloating concrete rises; fallen, never to rise again.

Yes, I hate the haters,
the oppressors, the dictators!
But more than them
I hate you, you spineless turd!

Twisted metal gives us our wake up call,
warm blood rejuvenates our groggy souls;
mangled bodies in the gorge lie still,
as strangers huddle for a closer view.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Promises & Lies

Just some idea I was fooling around with in the wee hours of the morning while half the world was sleeping soundly [I guess!]. I'm not through working on this one yet, hence the rough, 'incomplete' look. Anyway, I guess I'll let it hang around here a bit and get to know you people ;)

a late night conversation
seconds tick away after you
stutter your innermost thoughts
and slip into unconsciousness
cocooned in your hemp heaven

bleak hours tick away
ending this sleepless night
i turn off the lights and wonder
what the heck did you mean!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Do I really have to headline this?


* You get a mean headache after getting drunk instead of getting a mean headache without getting drunk. After seven weeks of my non-alcoholic existence, I broke my resolve yesterday during a reunion with old friends. Watched some of my friends get plastered after two drinks [!!] as I waited in vain to get at least tipsy, if not high. I think God really hates me.

* Live bands doing the bar scene looked a little more ‘alive’. Playing every played-to-death clichéd rock classics while looking like you’re singing yourself a lullaby gives the likes of us an urge to throw that empty beer bottle at your sorry mug.

* 100 Mbps actually meant 100 Mbps. I’ve been waiting for that 200 MB file to download since the last five hours and to say I’m losing my cool would be putting it way too mildly!

* Google also had the good sense to incorporate ‘stealth mode’ in their email service. Logging into Gmail is like exposing yourself to every jerk on the planet that you’ve have had the misfortune of exchanging your Gmail IDs with. At the moment, I don’t think there’s anything I hate more than Gmail’s green ‘online’ indicator.

* People cared to explain why they’ve decided to screw our happiness, just like in the movies [or comic books] where the bad guy, while beating the crap out of the good guy, explains why he is beating the crap out of him. Getting screwed twice in a week over the same shit – though without knowing why you were getting screwed in the first place – certainly does suck big time!

* One could NOT feel guilty while cribbing on one’s own blog, wondering if one was boring visitors to their blog to tears. If one did not have to repeatedly remind one’s retarded-self that it’s your stupid damned blog and nobody really gives a shit what you post - or don’t post - in it and there’s no way in hell you’re getting a Pulitzer for blogging!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

My Current Obsession


Friday, October 06, 2006

Comic Politicos Make Me LMFAO!

Who knew comic book heroes would one day come swinging out of comic books and take on the role of muse too! And in this case, muse to a senior politician no less! Ah, the stress of coming up with bombastic things to say speech after speech after speech! The poor fellow must surely had run out of ideas that particular day. So what does he do? Turn to our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man’s long departed guardian – Uncle Ben!

A big function at a renowned school in the state capital. The audience comprising mostly of young, impressionable but restless minds. So the politician decides to make it short [three page-long speech is extremely short in our part of the world where, if given a chance, our politicians can go on and on like Duracell bunny] and sweet and relevant and announces “With Great Power also comes Great Responsibility”. The line somehow doesn’t gel too well with the rest of the speech. And he attributes the quote to ‘a Hollywood blockbuster’.

Does the dude even know the quote comes right off a Spider-Man comic book? The irony here is that the name ‘Spider-Man’ has an entirely different connotation in these parts. There are not many comic book readers here and when you say Spider-Man, the first image that will come to many minds here is not that of a vigilante superhero but of an infamous ‘wall-scaling thief turned cold-blooded murderer’ who’s currently serving time in the state jail.

Suffice to say here that with great power to make high-sounding speeches also comes the great responsibility of doing proper homework.

Dude, you’re standing on my nerve!

My list of people/things I can’t stand just keeps getting longer and longer.

PEST #1: A guy I know has this knack for getting on that special nerve of mine every time I come face to face with him. Makes me want to punch the living daylights out of him and then cut him into tiny pieces and feed ’em to the dogs. Generally, I’m quite an easygoing person but when people decide to stretch the definition of ‘freeloading’ a little too far for my comfort, that’s the part where I seriously loose my cool.

Home is the place where I expect some privacy, some me-time. When a person barges into my room, unannounced, more than twice in a single frigging day, wondering if he could use my computer/ check his emails/ chat online or borrow some books/ DVDs, I find that awfully annoying. And when that person repeats the same routine for an entire frigging week, I’d say this pest is really really pushing his luck a bit too far.

If I suddenly stop updating my blog, pray for me. I think I might be implicated for manslaughter any day now.

PEST #2: I’m not a tightwad; really I’m not! And I don’t mind loaning cash to buddies when they’re skint. Hell, I might even flash a fake smile while handing them my hard-earned cash when I know fully well that I’ll never be getting that cash back. That’s just one of the many downsides of having friends I guess ;) But when I find out my cash is being used to sustain someone else’s drug habit, I see red. Need cash to do drugs? Earn your own fucking money, dude! You ain’t getting none from me! Period.

PEST #3: People who don’t call, don’t mail, pull a vanishing act and suddenly return to the face of the earth expecting friends to be nice and understanding to them whenever ‘they’ are in need! Who do they think we are, the prodigal son’s old pop? Pretty similar to Pest #2, the only difference being this kind mooch off on an emotional level. Why don’t they just crawl back to whatever stone they were hiding under all these years!

PEST #4: I find know-it-alls who can’t keep their trap shut extremely annoying. Especially when they pretend to understand things they don’t know a shit about, try to put in their two cent on every subject being discussed, and – this is important – expect us to listen to their bullshit! Just recently, I had the misfortune of making the acquaintance of an incredibly annoying lady who suffers from incessant verbal diarrhea. Her latest observation on music – Papa Roach sounds like Iron Maiden! WTF! Somebody, pass me that duct tape.

Okay, that was therapeutic!