Friday, October 20, 2006

Do I really have to headline this?


* You get a mean headache after getting drunk instead of getting a mean headache without getting drunk. After seven weeks of my non-alcoholic existence, I broke my resolve yesterday during a reunion with old friends. Watched some of my friends get plastered after two drinks [!!] as I waited in vain to get at least tipsy, if not high. I think God really hates me.

* Live bands doing the bar scene looked a little more ‘alive’. Playing every played-to-death clichéd rock classics while looking like you’re singing yourself a lullaby gives the likes of us an urge to throw that empty beer bottle at your sorry mug.

* 100 Mbps actually meant 100 Mbps. I’ve been waiting for that 200 MB file to download since the last five hours and to say I’m losing my cool would be putting it way too mildly!

* Google also had the good sense to incorporate ‘stealth mode’ in their email service. Logging into Gmail is like exposing yourself to every jerk on the planet that you’ve have had the misfortune of exchanging your Gmail IDs with. At the moment, I don’t think there’s anything I hate more than Gmail’s green ‘online’ indicator.

* People cared to explain why they’ve decided to screw our happiness, just like in the movies [or comic books] where the bad guy, while beating the crap out of the good guy, explains why he is beating the crap out of him. Getting screwed twice in a week over the same shit – though without knowing why you were getting screwed in the first place – certainly does suck big time!

* One could NOT feel guilty while cribbing on one’s own blog, wondering if one was boring visitors to their blog to tears. If one did not have to repeatedly remind one’s retarded-self that it’s your stupid damned blog and nobody really gives a shit what you post - or don’t post - in it and there’s no way in hell you’re getting a Pulitzer for blogging!


Blogger Nadim said...

yu can block ppl on gmail... goto settings/chat/auto add selected contacts ... there select only allow ppl i suggest option...
then click on "show all" link at da bottom of ur contacts...there yu will have options...among them is 'block'... phewww..... yu gotto do sm blocking , atleast for da pain i tuk xplaining toyu hw to do it!

October 21, 2006 2:18 AM  
Blogger MockingBird said...

Nadim, you're a lifesaver :D
Thanks, dude.

October 21, 2006 1:47 PM  

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