Saturday, September 16, 2006

Rock Star: Supernova Finale

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Woo-hoo! My boy Lukas Rossi won the Supernova gig and I’m doing a victory dance around the TV set. So underneath all those tattoos, long hair and layers of wrinkles, those three geezers still have some sense left in them to pick up the most creative contestant to infuse some much needed freshness in their music. I hope Lukas gets to have some creative inputs in Supernova’s new album because whatever songs they’ve unveiled so far, I wouldn’t even bother Limewiring them for free. Now, on to the week’s performances and the grand finale recap.

The performance night on the final week was more or less forgettable with Brooke Burke subjecting us to a recap of the final four’s journey towards the top, right from the season’s opening. Yawn. Then we are once again reminded by Brooke and the Supernova boys that a few tour dates are already sold out; I guess creating a sense of urgency will work wonders for ticket sales.

Ryan Star - the king of all things gimmicky - suddenly materialises on stage. The fans voted him for a final encore, we’re told. He plays his original Back of My Car. First time I heard it, I thought it was good. Second time it sounded okay. Third time was an overkill. Zzzz... Anyway, post encore, he plugs his new album in the works, Dark Horse [you’ll have to remember Dave Navarro had dubbed him Ryan ‘dark horse’ Star during the show earlier], and wins a Honda CRV and a Verizon Wireless LG Chocolate cell phone for being the fan’s choice for the final encore. He’s happy and he’s standing on top of that new car. I’d be much happier if he were under the tyres of that Honda. Now get off that stage! Patrice should really have been there singing Radiohead’s My Iron Lung. Now that was an encore-worthy performance!

Blue-eyed Aussie boy Toby finally kick starts thing with Karma Police. But it’s mediocre vocals at best. But hey, did Dave just say that’s the best Radiohead song? Somebody please whack that dummy on the head or gag him with those fishnet stockings he wears on his mitts!

Toby then has Magni join him on guitars on his original Throw It Away. What? Do we really have to listen to the same originals again? I found this song catchy the first few times but now I’ve started finding it painful. Same old arrangement. Same old cheerleader act. I’m bored. And enough with EVS already; writing it on back of Magni’s head was a step too far down the gimmick lane.

Any doubts I had about the Canadian Goth doll Lukas were cleared on the penultimate show as he took on Coldplay’s Fix You and showcased a voice that can be just as sweet as it can be gravelly when he lets it. Then he took a risk of turning the tune into a rock anthem. Unlike Toby, he neither plays to a crowd nor resorts to gimmicks like Ryan but this Toronto boy sure is fun to watch, his rooster strut and all.

While other contestants are content with playing their originals the way they were first composed, Lukas changes things up and performs a stripped down, acoustic version of his Headspin, which, in my humble opinion, sounded better than last time. Oh, I love this guy! Look, there’s Paula Abdul in the audience! Just back from her therapist’s couch and on her way to the bar, methinks.

Up next is Dilana with The Police’s Roxanne, a song that had Chris Pierson - Dilana’s one time bosom buddy - ousted from the show earlier in the season. She opens with an acappella and her voice sounds good without all that grizzle. She even has her remaining three competitors join her to sing backup. Nice move but then again at one point, Lukas’ backup vocals clearly cut through hers. Hah! Nice cover performance overall.

Before doing her original Supersoul [oh, I hate that title], she makes sure to explain it’s a ‘freedom song’, not an angry song. Don’t know about you but I’ve a problem buying that. For me that line “I could have killed you in your sleep” definitely sounds angry. Oh, she’s explaining it’s about letting go of the bad and moving on. Okay, now I get it. If you’re pissed with your spouse, kill him/her. Instant freedom from ol’ grouchy! But I’m still not impressed with her original.

Magni’s the last to hit the stage with Deep Purple’s Hush. He does a good job but still it’s not my favourite performance from the Iceman. But then, with his original When the Time Comes, the Icelandic madman revs things up, but that is after he - quite out of breath after his first song - momentarily forgets the title of his own song! Now his original is a rock song, and it’s actually becoming more appealing to me as time goes on, nevermind Tommy Lee ripping the song as ‘unmemorable’. For him, the only thing worth remembering is his days as Mr. Pamela Anderson.

The next day on the two-hour long finale show, after another yawn-inducing recap of the season, Magni is the first to land in the bottom three, followed by Toby and Lukas. Magni scorches the stage with Jimi Hendrix’s Fire, Toby [who looks the most nervous of all] continues his cheerleader act with Billy Idol’s White Wedding, and Lukas promises Supernova he’ll reacquaint them with a Bittersweet Symphony. Magni’s the first to get the axe. After another round of performances by the remaining three, Toby gets the boot.

Now it’s down to Dilana and Lukas. After endless numbers of commercial breaks and Brooke Burke’s fake smiles, Tommy Lee gets up and says “Lukas, you are our boy!” A quick scan of the audience and you get to see stunned faces of all the girls boarding the Rand Wagon. I’m stunned too but in a good way. Meanwhile, Rossi Posse goes wild.

I had predicted last week it’d be a Toby versus Lukas contest, with Toby eventually winning the gig; this, despite even my mom telling me the gig was up for grabs for Lukas. Well, to repeat an old cliché, mom knows best and I happily eat my words. The best man has won!

Somebody asked me why I think Lukas won. Well, first of all, Lukas had been a Tommy Lee favourite right from day one and Mr. T Lee never really bothered to hide his love for the Canadian Goth doll. Remember the time when Jason criticised Lukas, Tommy told him to shut up! And one has to keep in mind this is a Tommy Lee Project. Writing music is another area where the Canadian set himself apart from rest of the contestants. Lukas is a risk taker, thrives on taking on challenges head-on, and has a natural flair for rearranging songs, even classics, which went in his favour most of the times. Another plus point for him is his undeniable stage presence. Come to think of it, among all contestants, Dilana and Lukas were the only performers who could command attention on stage without resorting to any gimmicks. And he already has a dark and dirty image that Tommy Lee and the rest of the gang would want to be associated with.

I’m glad that Lukas won but I still hate Supernova tracks. I’ll buy his CD after he’s through with those three and comes out with his own stuff. Happy Vegas trip in the meantime.

P.S. Late update courtesy mood swings of the Power Department and my local internet service provider


Blogger Mizohican said...

I feel so old. As if the good old days of rock n roll are now gone forever and permanently replaced by this new-metal crap... sniff* sniff*

Toby, you are still number one in my heart. And with Lukas behind the mike, I definitely am not going to waste my money on a Supernova CD.

80's rock foreva!!!!!!!

September 16, 2006 5:44 PM  
Blogger MockingBird said...

The old has passed away; behold, all things have become new - 2 Corinthians 5:17

Behold, I make all things new - Revelation 21:5

Hence, don't call nu-metal crap. It's blasphemy ;)

September 18, 2006 8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do write so well. Even though you guys seem pretty 'obsessed'(dont kill me for it)with this rockstar thingie, I saw the show only once. But when I do drop by and read thru your blogs, I can visualise the whole thing based on that one-time show. I did think Lukas was pretty good too. Everyone else seemed to hate him tho. Anyway, all's well that ends well.
But I am stuck in the late '90's music tho. Oasis, Alanis Morissette, Cranberries, Radiohead. Definitely will not buy the supernova CD.
Keep writing, and now that the show is over (I keep calling it the show because I forget the name hahaha)... do talk about some other shit too. Love your blog.

September 22, 2006 8:48 PM  
Blogger MockingBird said...

Obsessed? Hell, I’m the self-appointed unofficial recapper of all gimmicky music-based reality shows aired by Star World and I’ve been told by many to find something worthwhile to do with my time! But, hey, somebody’s gotta do the dirty work, right? :p

90’s music? Dude/dudette, you’re right up my alley if you’re still grunging up to bands like Nirvana, Blind Melon and Radiohead.

Thanks for dropping by and commenting. Like you nick :)

September 23, 2006 7:25 AM  
Blogger MockingBird said...

Opps... slip of the finger! Like YOUR nick, that's what I meant to write [type?] :D

September 23, 2006 7:42 AM  

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