Thursday, August 10, 2006

Rockstar: Supernova ~ Week Six Elimination

Whew! Tonight was something. Two encores and two eliminations! Next week, there’re going to be four encores and four eliminations, with one of the hatchets falling on Tommy – the Hatchet Man himself. Twice he’s been on stage with the contestants and the next day those very contestants have ended up in the bottom three. Is that guy jinxed or what!

The first encore went to Lukas as I’d guessed yesterday. Okay, I’m sticking to making predictions only on the encore part. Yesterday he did great with Radiohead’s Creep, though he was a little too breathy and a little off key. Tonight, he did a better job, vocally that is, but was a little low on intensity. An impressive job nonetheless. Looks like a fiery haired rocker’s strategy has backfired.

When I first watched Magni do the Rolling Stones’ Satisfaction, I didn’t like him. His performances in the next couple of weeks did little to change that. But now I’m all about to bite my tongue. The more I watch him perform, the more I get the feeling this Iceman’s a worthy contender. Hell, he might even be the dark horse here. Last night it was just him and his guitar and Live’s Dolphin’s Cry. Tonight during the encore, he changed things up and did an electric version of the song. Good job!

After Brooke Burke finally opened the envelopes, in the bottom three were Jill, Josh and Ryan. Yes, Zayra saved again by her tight gold bodysuit and top hat for yet another week! I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’ve started finding Jill more irritating than Zayra. At least Zayra doesn’t take herself too seriously and stays true to herself, even if it means wearing the weirdest outfits and picking songs from the great unknown underground. Jill, on the other hand, lacks her own style and is on this strange impersonation trip. Granted she’s a great singer but she doesn’t have what it takes to be a star, let alone a rock star. Now on to the save-ass performances:

Jill Gioia – Respect: Aretha Franklin
Did she say she chose this song because rock and roll started with blues? Correct me if I’m wrong but Aretha Franklin is more up R&B alley. All that partying in the mansion has surely messed up this girl’s head. First, she makes herself a major pain in other female contestants’ collective asses on the “not playing with Gilby Clark” issue; then she gets confused on the genre of the song she’s performing on the elimination night! Well, she sang it well – the girl can sing – but the way she works the stage makes me think “A rock concert is not supposed to look like that!”

Josh Logan – Shooting Star: Bad Company
Seems like Josh knows he’s on borrowed time here and is determined to go down swinging. Though Tommy Lee thinks Josh’s landing in the bottom three is a direct result of Josh being “strapped in”, locked to his guitar, this soul guy still announces he’s playing the guitar tonight too, and he does. And then, he strips the song off anything that vaguely resembles ‘rock’. Self-sabotage? At least it goes to his credit that he did things on his own terms, well, most of the times.

Ryan Star – Enjoy the Silence: Depeche Mode
I love this song but when he said he’s gonna do that, I was wondering if it wasn’t a bit off for Supernova even if it’s right for his voice. But he did a good job and it was clearly the best performance of the three. What amazed me is that when a member of the audience almost pulled him off the stage, he didn’t miss a note! Now, I’m finally seeing this guy fitting the bill of a rock star. And may be Supernova is also thinking the same thing because they say he’s safe.

And then, without much drama, Tommy brings down the duel hatchet on Jill and Josh! Thankfully Jill doesn't throw a tantrum, which I feared she would. Josh shows he’s a cool guy with great attitude by making his exit laughing. As for the remaining eight contestants, they are off to Las Vegas with Supernova in a private jet for some major decadent times.


Blogger virgochhas said...

yesterdays post went before busy me haf time to comment and todays post came so am not gonna miss da chance again... :)

1] i've watched it twice...but thanks to u lady, i feel as if i watch all episodes...

2] i saw da golden suit...lolz... mebbe our dear sundancer wud love one for her bithday...

3] kima called me last nite, after da show, and first thing i asked was 'who went?...was it Zayra or saved again?...wonder wat Bird is gonna say....' lolz...

P.S: i wnt mind goig to Vegas on a private jet...

August 11, 2006 11:27 AM  
Blogger Mizohican said...

Zayra! Zayra! Zayra! Zayra! Zayra!

August 11, 2006 10:36 PM  
Blogger Jerusha said...

Missed the bloody show! Damn!

August 12, 2006 3:05 AM  
Blogger tribalsuperstar said...

I guess it was not expected. But, a common line in english has always been "to make the long story short". So, somehoe related to the phrase, I cosider it a show sacrifice for josh and fake pamela's <:P> exit. I know, I know, josh's good, but he defenitely's not someone who can Ummm Bob for Supernova :). I guess you agree on that too. I find it fair and thats how the cookie crumbles. Just to think of it as a elimination show, I am relaxed a bit. But my cookie's Dilana for sure and she's going to make it. Anyways good info on the page bird. I like it :).

August 14, 2006 3:34 AM  

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