Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Rockstar: Supernova ~ The Real Reason Behind Phil Ritchie's Elimination

Amazing what a crap load of useless trivia one can gather from a little bit of late night surfing. Last week, I was simply clueless why Supernova choose Zayra over Phil Ritchie but now I know. If you wanna know what I know, click here.

Anyone stupid enough to blabber off his mouth, saying his real intention behind participating in the show was to get some 'exposure' for his own band and that he was not a whole lot impressed with the sound of the band he was auditioning for deserves to get the boot.

My apologies to the Supernova guys for dissing their decision last week. I only wish the guys in the editing room had not cut off this portion of the show. And my salute to the person who uploaded the uncut video at youtube.com.


Blogger virgochhas said...


he deserves it....

go Zayra go...lolz

OMG...dat Phil is so stoopid...

August 01, 2006 11:34 AM  
Blogger MockingBird said...

@ Ligialh – I wonder what’s real in reality TV anymore! Do they edit the shows and leave out chunks [that would, if left intact, make sense out of a particular episode] just to confuse/intrigue the viewers?

As for the authenticity of tabloid news, yeah, it is plausible that Phil might have been misquoted, especially on that ‘here to gain exposure for his band’ thing. But to tell the media that he wasn’t crazy about Supernova’s sound [the guy didn’t exactly refute this particular statement if you remember]? Now that really does win him the elimination hands down.

Yeah, even I’ve noticed that whoever gets the judges’ criticism ends up in the bottom three. Maybe the voters take these guys way too seriously ;) But honestly, I don’t we have any reason [so far] to talk about conspiracy theories here. People who sucked one particular week found themselves in the bottom three and when they did better the next time around, they were back to the safe zone. But what happens when more than three people suck? One [or maybe more] lucky sucker finds himself/herself in the safe zone :p

@ Virg - Barring that Zayra bit, I couldn’t agree with you more :D

August 01, 2006 1:25 PM  

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