Sunday, July 16, 2006

It's not the end of the world

… that’s what the Bald Headed Hermit tells me. “No, it’s not,” I make a feeble attempt to give a nod to that statement. Come to think of it, it certainly isn’t the end of the world. After all, how big a deal is being denied access to your own blog? I mean with all the problems afflicting the world right now, my so-called problem is not even a small deal.

How can I possibly be so melodramatic about not being able to view my own blog at when innocent people are being blown to bits by some fuckheads? People are being killed in cold blood, for no fault of theirs, and here I am crying foul over not being able to view a page full of nonsense, mostly my own.

Yes, there are so many reasons why I shouldn’t be whining at all. Yet there are so many other reasons why I should. Like I said here yesterday, not being able to view my own blog feels like being locked out of my own place. And being forced to use anonymous proxy servers feel like being forced to sneak into my own house through the backdoor! Now that’s not a very pretty feeling.

But it’s just a stupid blog, some might point out. Yes, it’s just a blog, and a stupid one at that; but it’s mine – both the blog as well as all that stupidity therein – and nobody’s taking it away from me! Of course, unless it’s a matter of national security [yeah, my blog is peppered with vital information, such as where the cat poop bombs are hidden in my house. I guess that's enough info to seriously jeopardize peace and security of our great nation if it falls into the wrong hands!]

I hate the violation of my basic human right to read and write. Over the past few months, I’ve met many like-minded bloggers on blogspot and made friends with them. I hate the thought that I’ll be cut off from them. I also hate the thought that I'll be left with no option but to start blogging somewhere else all over again. But what I hate the most is not knowing why this is happening!

It’s not without a reason that weblogs have been hailed as the most democratic form of publishing. After all, barring these crazy blog sites, who would even be remotely interested in allowing some wanna-be writer to use their site to publish her thoughts on her newly acquired pooch or her recently dumped boyfriend! One might not exactly be a publisher’s dream but hell, if people got things which they feel needs to be heard – or read in this case – blogs provide the tools and the platform. And it sucks when someone sneaks up behind you and yanks this platform from under your feet.


Blogger Karchoong said...

exactly! i mean there are serious issues in life... like... uhhhh....
for instance..... me, who cant even stand the nominal increase in the mercury level in gangtok going to delhi at a time when major parts of the capital (at least what the media tells us) has no water, no electricity and to top it all it is abuzz with bombscares!

July 16, 2006 8:56 PM  
Blogger virgochhas said...

dependz on how we categorize 'serious stuff'

not being able to access ones own blog is quite serious for a blogger who religiously posts new stuff on the blog...

am actually not feeling good about it cos' who knowz i might be the next blogger facing the same issue...

July 17, 2006 10:04 AM  
Blogger MockingBird said...

@ Baldy - Go in peace and come back in one piece ;) And here's wishing your hide lots of good luck and a year's supply of sunblock :p

@ Virg - True. Very true. Good, seems like I've succeeded in making at least one blogger paranoid here ;) Guess what, I've already created an account for myself at, just in case... y'know. LOLz! Though I've to admit I'm not very crazy about the templates and the feel of the whole thing there. *sigh*

July 17, 2006 10:49 AM  
Blogger virgochhas said...


watz wrong with da world....

can't access my blog....

July 17, 2006 5:47 PM  
Blogger MockingBird said...

Welcome to BlogNot Doth Come, Virg ;)

July 17, 2006 7:00 PM  

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