Friday, June 23, 2006

Civil War

Something crazy is going on here. Human bloggers are at war and have drawn out their keyboards. Tempers flare, words fly all over our blogspot, we wince, we duck and we try to have the last word. I'm trying to do the same here, folks - have the last word that is - though without making a mess of Sundancer's comments page. Thoughtful, ain't I ? **wink**.

While a 'Civil War' is going on at the Marvel Universe as superheroes split on the Superheroes Registration Act, fellow bloggers and DC/Marvel comic book lovers here are split on the mutant status of our web-slinger superhero Spider-Man. I say Spidey's not a mutant and I've already presented my case here. Okay, there, I had my last word. I'm happy now. You guys can continue waging the war there.

Oh, and when you all tire of that, you can always head to the digital comic book section of the official Marvel website and join me there. I'm getting my digital dose of X-Men. Currently reading: X-Men: Phoenix - Endsong **GRIN**


Blogger tribalsuperstar said...

Bird ... You remind me of my days when I religiously collected comic copies ... My favourites were DC's and QC's. Ofcourse Marvel was there, but there was more coverage interms of sales for the previous. So, they always have a place in my collection. In terms of Rupees, they were spendy. But guess what, I dispose them all one fine day. I sold them to a vendor. I guess i was much too old to worship my comics. When i think back and compare my craze those times, I keep telling myself I shld have continued cuz especially with technology and the output it made out of these comic heroes. I like the graphics which works really well for these character movies. Specially with the X-men and SPidey. The blue screen change it all. In any case, Am just writing these cuz u remind me of something which I'd been through ...

June 23, 2006 1:31 PM  
Blogger Mizohican said...

Spiderman is no way a mutant. Not that I have any racist discriminatory thingie against mutants, but spidey boy is just a regular guy next door who just happened to be bitten by a spider while mutants are born with a deformity in their genes due to mutagen.

Anyway, Marvel's Stan Lee is my fav artist, but my fav character by Stan Lee is Conan. I love him (in the most non-brokeback mountain way).

And yeah, when I was a kid, I was more into DC than Marvel because DC characters always had so much more supernatural power. Like Legions of Super Heroes, League of Super Heroes, Suicide Squad, The Titans, Justice League (Forgot if they were Marvel or DC), Judge Dredd etc.

Gawd I miss those days....

June 23, 2006 5:58 PM  
Blogger MockingBird said...

@ Supastar - No one’s ever ‘too old’ to have fun. I know a guy well past his 40s, a college professor who still regularly picks up comic books from the local newsstand here. And it’s never too late to pick up an old habit again ;)

@ illusionaire – Hallelujah for “Spiderman is no way a mutant”! My point exactly.

Good to see a lot of comic book fans here :)

June 24, 2006 8:01 AM  
Blogger Mizohican said...

And oh I forgot to mention The Justice League of America (JLA), Justice League of Europe (JLE), Justice League Society (JLS), the Outsiders and Batman etc etc etc DC rox!!!! :-)

Mockingbird, you bring out the child in me. Now you must pamper me for doing that... where's my baby oil back rub? :-)

June 24, 2006 6:00 PM  
Blogger tribalsuperstar said...

Baby Oil Massage ???? I'm On too .. Cuz ... ONE BABY OIL MASSAGE FOR ME TOO ..... !!!!!

June 25, 2006 11:43 PM  
Blogger tribalsuperstar said...

Baby Oil Massage ???? I'm On too .. Cuz ... ONE BABY OIL MASSAGE FOR ME TOO ..... !!!!!

June 25, 2006 11:44 PM  
Blogger MockingBird said...

To: illusionaire & supastar
From: mockingbird
Subject: Back rub
Reply: Soon, fellow bloggers, soon ;)

June 26, 2006 11:49 AM  
Blogger virgochhas said...


where is our dear sundancer???

she still believes dat spidy is mutant?

somethings wrong with her since she went home for her vacation...

spidy's not a mutant.period

BTW, me want dat back rub too...

do i hafta say the magic sentense again? "Spiderman's not a mutant"


July 01, 2006 12:03 PM  
Blogger MockingBird said...

So dear Virg too has joined the backrub bandwagon, eh? Okay, you see the two sentence long post dated 26 June? First line contains a link that will fulfill your wish.

P.S. There are three masseurs. Take your pick but leave the fat one alone. She's reserved for Illusionaire :p

July 01, 2006 1:37 PM  
Blogger Jerusha said...

Bird..I was wondering when I'd see you back on my page! And you did all this because you didn't want to mess up my comments page! *SOB* Im touched! Profoundly touched!
I still say spidey is a mutant. Illusionaire, where in the world is it written that mutants are only BORN? **rolls eyes**
Well..okay, just to keep you rogues happy, and for world peace, I'll say it..SPIDEY IS not A MUTANT!
There y'all! Happy now?

July 01, 2006 7:54 PM  
Blogger Diddley said...

phew! these super hero`z aint got no civic - sense, they just break into peoplez wall, house, smash carz.... etc etc... the insurence company should sue em big time!... hahahahha... btw .. i think so too...spidy seems more or less like a mutant! apart from the fact that he was`nt born a mutant but was a prey of lil Mizz muffet`z spider collection .. ;)

July 07, 2006 11:21 AM  

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