Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Ace That!

I was watching the American Idol Top 20 Party video* just a while ago and also noticing how Brett ‘Ace’ Young loves to hear himself talk! He’s talking about what people are talking about him; he’s talking about how he has to go incognito even to get a pair of jeans or something; he’s talking about how he’s become – get a load of this – a household name at 25, and he’s talking about the affair he’s soooo not having with his ‘television co-star’. Aww com’on, Mr. Ace! You were on that show as a ‘guest star’ and you know what that means – small, short, insignificant and extremely forgettable role.

Fortunately for his ego, they’re gonna have a rerun of the episode, though not because of his great performance or anything. Isn’t it pretty obvious that the television people are trying their best to cash on in Ace’s 15-minutes of fame which will be over anytime now – this week if I’m not mistaken.

If American women have any sense left, they’ll finally notice Tuesday night that Ace can’t sing. I say women because I’m sure, barring his relatives and may be some close friends, guys don’t and won’t vote for Ace. And if these voters have a wee bit more sense, they’ll understand that this is a talent show where the focal point is vocal prowess of the contestants, not a parade of would-be/wanna-be actors/models. Plus karaoke doesn’t count as singing skill.

My apologies to my cousin ‘G’ (wink, wink) who just somehow happens to adore this guy but I just can’t stop hating everything about this guy. It’s like “how many ways I can hate thee, let me count the ways”. First of all, though he can’t sing, he has the audacity to think he can. He even has the nerves to think he’s doing a pretty good job of it on stage! Somebody ace that!

Ace: "Opps! I'm having a mental black-out... can't remember the lyrics...."

G: "Hey, did he just forget his lyrics?!"

Okay, back to Ace-bashing. You gotta give it to this guy for his self-confidence, which borders on the absurd most of the times. He thinks if he gives that blank, spaced out gaze into the camera (example: the close up of his eyes at the end of his Father Figure performance) and tries ‘reaching out’ to his audience (careful there, you might just end up pulling your muscles), votes will automatically start flooding in. He somehow feels that dopey look of his is ‘sexy’. And somehow a good number of women also seem to buy that, though I can’t, and don’t want to, understand how and why!

Then, many weeks later, he not only makes a mess of Train’s Drops of Jupiter but also lets the world get a glimpse of his ‘scar – the one he supposedly got while playing basketball’ while mouthing “Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star / One without a permanent scar”. I mean, how cheesy can one get! Gimmick sells and his also did because he sure did survive another week. How pathetic!

Then last week on the Queen Night, he makes the most obvious song choice and does a feeble attempt at rocking the AI stage with We Will Rock You. C’mon, this used to be ‘the’ rock anthem that rocked arenas! Still he miraculously survived during the elimination night.

The only part I like watching him is during the result nights when he’s, most often than not, a part of the bottom three. The dazed look on his face that seems to say “I can’t believe a hunk like me is being made to stand here! I can’t believe they didn’t vote enough for me!” Extremely amusing.

* Thanks to Travis from mrdaughtry.com for dedicatedly posting all Chris Daughtry related mp3s and videos on the fan site for views and downloads.


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