Friday, March 10, 2006

Weird Encounters of the Unwanted Kind

Hallelujah! My PC is up and running and the world looks beautiful again. It took a little bit of common sense and a whole lot of patience (and a few sneak peeks into those techie mags) but it was worth every cuss-word I swallowed back during the process. I, hereby, officially take back whatever nasty stuff I said last night about technology magazines and their do-it-yourself guides. I’m a born again believer now.

However, there’s a downside to having your PC fixed. Though I love my PC because all my friends live there (this I read somewhere and am shamelessly plagiarizing), there are others who mistake networking sites for matrimonial columns. C’mon, getting hitched is not everyone’s ultimate goal in life. Plus, if I want to marry you, I’ll find you then marry you, not the other way around. Anyways, what kind of a loser looks for love on the internet?

Still worse are those who stupidly assume that everyone on the net is looking for virtual sex. Will such people please get a life and then hopefully a good, healthy and real kinda sex life!


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